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A Mclaren F1 tops out at about 650 hp.
A “street legal” Camry screams its way to 200.
Both have engines. Both have 4 wheels. Both are technically “cars”.
So what accounts for the difference in velocity?
The Mclaren F1 is engineered for speed. While the Camry is happy to just cruise along.
The same can be said about your B2B sales process.
Some software businesses are “engineered” to max out at 10 or 15k MRR…
… while others boast a speed velocity that allows them to scale 10x that – fast.
In this weeks’ video, I talk about the 5 steps that fuel your speed velocity — allowing you to close bigger deals, faster… and engineer record-breaking revenue numbers month after month.
At a high level, here’s how to engineer your way to a higher sales velocity:
Of course, it all starts with measuring your velocity. (Pearson’s law for the win) ;-)
If you don’t know it (no judging)…
… I give you the quick and dirty formula in the video.
From there, you can start pulling the other 4 “levers” to predictably engineer a faster sales velocity, and blow past your previous MRR record.
Mclaren F1 or a Camry.
Your call ;-)
Watch the video and them drop me a comment letting me know what your sales velocity currently clocks in at, and what steps you plan to implement right away to close bigger deals faster.
Dan Martell has advised more startups than his hometown has people and teaches startup founders like you how to scale. (Get the free 3 videos to grow your business here.) He previously created, raised venture funding for and successfully exited two tech startups: Flowtown and Clarity.fm. You should follow him on twitter@danmartell for tweets that are actually awesome.
Are you an entrepreneur? Get free weekly video training here:
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Exclusive Download: The Business Playbook Templates™ – A Collection of Procedures and Reference Documents to Run Your Business on Autopilot
If you’re feeling like you’re in a rut and spinning your wheels around your next “big move” inside your SaaS company…
I’m gonna make you a little promise, k?
If you watch this week’s video and follow through on the 3 questions… your company will look drastically different by this time next quarter.
Why am I so confident making that prediction?
I believe in the power of the right question at the right time to bring instant clarity to your company’s next big move.
This has proven true in my own companies, as well as the companies of the founders I coach inside SaaS Academy.
If you haven’t joined me in SaaS Academy yet, consider this your best way to get some free Dan Coaching :-)
Combined, these questions will inspire powerful decisions in the areas of scaling and strategy…. and the team you rely on to execute it.
I encourage you to watch the full episode, but at a high level, the 3 questions are built around:
The third question might come as a punch to the gut if you’ve been feeling like things just aren’t syncing up with some of your team members.
Hopefully, it will give you the clarity and confidence to make a big decision today that will move you and your company towards your goals faster…
… and with far less speed bumps along the way.
Watch the full episode here… and then share your answer to ANY of the three questions in the comments below.
Look forward to seeing what comes out of it :-)
Dan Martell has advised more startups than his hometown has people and teaches startup founders like you how to scale. (Get the free 3 videos to grow your business here.) He previously created, raised venture funding for and successfully exited two tech startups: Flowtown and Clarity.fm. You should follow him on twitter@danmartell for tweets that are actually awesome.
Are you an entrepreneur? Get free weekly video training here:
+ Instagram (behind the scenes): http://instagram.com/danmartell
+ Facebook (live trainings + Q&A): http://FB.com/DanMartell
+ Twitter (what I'm reading): http://twitter.com/danmartell
Exclusive Download: Revenue Expansion Maximizer™
How To Evaluate The Right Pricing Model For Your Software Startup
Value Based Pricing: How To Use a Pricing Axis To Grow Your SaaS Company's Revenue
When I was 25 and building my first company, Spheric, I closed an enterprise level deal with Procter & Gamble.
Not only was it an “arrival point” for my company…
But in the negotiations, I actually got P&G to fund an entire slate of new integrations and features, while we retained the IP.
Pretty cool, right?
Thing is, none of that would’ve been possible had I made the mistake that most founders make…
Sharing pricing on their website.
In this week’s video, I dive into the 5 reasons why you’ll want to consider hiding your pricing … and how you can leverage that position to close bigger deals while having the flexibility to serve your customers in a more impactful way.
At a high level, here are the 5 reasons you’ll want to hide your pricing:
At the end of the day, If it’s your goal to serve Fortune 500 companies and high-level enterprises, you NEED to retain the ability to structure deals appropriately.
Showing your pricing not only destroys all leverage right off the bat…
… but it can actually kill your credibility by making you look like a cheap, consumer-level solution.
Even worse… a potential game-changing client may sign up for a free trial (or lower tier) without you even having a chance to craft a better package and close a bigger deal.
Give this episode a quick watch, and then let me in the comments if you’re coming up against resistance to hiding your pricing.
I’ll reply back with my thoughts :)
Dan Martell has advised more startups than his hometown has people and teaches startup founders like you how to scale. (Get the free 3 videos to grow your business here.) He previously created, raised venture funding for and successfully exited two tech startups: Flowtown and Clarity.fm. You should follow him on twitter@danmartell for tweets that are actually awesome.
Are you an entrepreneur? Get free weekly video training here:
+ Instagram (behind the scenes): http://instagram.com/danmartell
+ Facebook (live trainings + Q&A): http://FB.com/DanMartell
+ Twitter (what I'm reading): http://twitter.com/danmartell
ADHD as a Superpower
How To Get To Sleep When Your Mind Is Racing
Miracle Mornings: https://www.miraclemorning.com
Concentration Music App: www.focusatwill.com
Be Focused Timer: https://xwavesoft.com/be-focused-pro-for-iphone-ipad-mac-os-x.html
At 8 years old, I got diagnosed with ADHD.
I felt broken.
Burdened by a “brain’ that would surely screw me out of any type of meaningful contribution in the world.
Every day was a crapshoot.
Without knowing how I’d “show up” on any given day, setting goals (and pursuing them) felt like a fool’s game — and when I’d inevitably fail, it only supported my belief that I was messed up beyond repair.
Over the next decade, I spiraled into a deep depression…
… culminating in a tipping point where if I didn’t learn how to turn my “curse” into a superpower, it would literally kill me.
This week’s video is all about my “homemade” prescription for how I naturally turned ADHD into my superpower… and ultimately a catalyst for my legacy as an investor and entrepreneur.
While I don’t endorse a medication-free approach to ADHD, I encourage you to test any combination of these “ingredients” to see what moves the needle for you.
And of course… make sure to consult with your physician ;)
At a high-level, the 9 ingredients of my “natural” ADHD meds are:
The first 8 can literally be implemented this week — and stack upon each other to exponentially increase your ability to focus, be productive, and move your mission forward with confidence.
Number 9 will take a bit more time, but I believe is where ADHD truly becomes a superpower.
When you literally can’t will yourself to focus on certain tasks, it works as a forcing function to get support and leverage other people’s skills faster than you otherwise would’ve.
Whether you’re looking to get off ADHD meds… or simply have a mission that your brain feels incapable of keeping up with, it’s my hope that these 9 steps help serve you in an incredible, life-changing way.
Dan Martell has advised more startups than his hometown has people and teaches startup founders like you how to scale. (Get the free 3 videos to grow your business here.) He previously created, raised venture funding for and successfully exited two tech startups: Flowtown and Clarity.fm. You should follow him on twitter@danmartell for tweets that are actually awesome.
Are you an entrepreneur? Get free weekly video training here:
+ Instagram (behind the scenes): http://instagram.com/danmartell
+ Facebook (live trainings + Q&A): http://FB.com/DanMartell
+ Twitter (what I'm reading): http://twitter.com/danmartell
Exclusive Download: Weekly Sync™
Did you know that there’s a multibillion dollar industry dedicated to doomsday prepping?
Even crazier…
Reid Hoffman was quoted in the New Yorker, estimating that about 50% of Silicon Valley billionaires have acquired some level of “apocalypse insurance”.
Now whether you buy into that idea or not, there is a type of doomsday in the software world you absolutely NEED to be prepared for.
It’s this:
What would happen to your product (and company) if your developer disappeared overnight?
Or put more bleakly, would your company pass the “bus” test?
Meaning… if your entire dev team got hit by a bus tomorrow, would you have the systems, processes, documentation, and contingency plans to keep on ticking?
Or would the doomsday clock hit midnight on your entire SaaS company?
Putting too much power into the hands of a single developer (or even an entire dev team) is a dangerous place to be.
Especially for a non-technical founder.
And unless you’ve taken clear steps to “prep” for that possibility, you’re essentially letting a small handful of people hold your entire company hostage.
… if they jump ship to another company
… if they run into an illness or life crisis of any kind
… if they win the lotto max
You’re done.
This is me going on record to say that 100% of SaaS companies need some form of development apocalypse insurance.
And I recorded this week’s video to show you the 6 steps I take to safeguard the companies I advise.
At a high level, the 6 step “prepper’s guide” comes down to:
It’s not sexy — and will take some upfront time and cash investment…
But won’t you feel SO much more confident building your product knowing that nothing short of an actual apocalypse can shut you down?
I think so. I bet your team and investors will as well ;)
Give the video a watch, and then let me know in the comments what you plan on implementing to safeguard one of your company’s most important assets.
Here’s that episode link one more time.
Dan Martell has advised more startups than his hometown has people and teaches startup founders like you how to scale. (Get the free 3 videos to grow your business here.) He previously created, raised venture funding for and successfully exited two tech startups: Flowtown and Clarity.fm. You should follow him on twitter@danmartell for tweets that are actually awesome.
Are you an entrepreneur? Get free weekly video training here:
+ Instagram (behind the scenes): http://instagram.com/danmartell
+ Facebook (live trainings + Q&A): http://FB.com/DanMartell
+ Twitter (what I'm reading): http://twitter.com/danmartell